Strings API
Purely functional interface for the Strings API.
String Commands usage
Once you have acquired a connection you can start using it:
import cats.effect.IO
val usernameKey = "users"
def putStrLn(str: String): IO[Unit] = IO(println(str))
val showResult: Option[String] => IO[Unit] =
_.fold(putStrLn(s"Not found key: $usernameKey"))(s => putStrLn(s))
commandsApi.use { redis => // StringCommands[IO, String, String]
for {
x <- redis.get(usernameKey)
_ <- showResult(x)
_ <- redis.set(usernameKey, "gvolpe")
y <- redis.get(usernameKey)
_ <- showResult(y)
_ <- redis.setNx(usernameKey, "should not happen")
w <- redis.get(usernameKey)
_ <- showResult(w)
} yield ()