Redis Client

RedisClient is the interface managing all the connections with Redis. We can establish a single-node or a cluster connection with it. A client can be re-used to establish as many connections as needed (recommended). However, if your use case is quite simple, you can opt for a default client to be created for you.

Establishing connection

For all the effect-based APIs the process of acquiring a client and a commands connection is quite similar, and they all return a Resource.

Let’s have a look at the following example, which acquires a connection to the Strings API:

import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.algebra.StringCommands
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.connection._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.log4cats._
import org.typelevel.log4cats.Logger
import org.typelevel.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jLogger

implicit val logger: Logger[IO] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[IO]

val stringCodec: RedisCodec[String, String] = RedisCodec.Utf8

val commandsApi: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
   .flatMap(Redis[IO].fromClient(_, stringCodec))

Redis[IO].fromClient returns a Resource[IO, RedisCommands[IO, K, V]], but here we’re downcasting to a more specific API. This is not necessary but it shows how you can have more control over what commands you want a specific function to have access to. For the Strings API is StringCommands, for Sorted Sets API is SortedSetCommands, and so on. For a complete list please take a look at the algebras.

Acquiring a connection using fromClient, we can share the same RedisClient to establish many different connections. If you don’t need this, have a look at the following sections.

Client configuration

When you create a RedisClient, it will use sane defaults for timeouts, auto-reconnection, etc. These defaults can be customized by providing a io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions as well as the RedisURI.

import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.config._
import io.lettuce.core.{ ClientOptions, TimeoutOptions }
import java.time.Duration

val mkOpts: IO[ClientOptions] =
  IO {

val api: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  for {
    opts   <- Resource.eval(mkOpts)
    client <- RedisClient[IO].withOptions("redis://localhost", opts)
    redis  <- Redis[IO].fromClient(client, stringCodec)
  } yield redis

Furthermore, you can pass a customized Redis4CatsConfig to configure behaviour which isn’t covered by io.lettuce.core.ClientOptions:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val config = Redis4CatsConfig().withShutdown(ShutdownConfig(1.seconds, 5.seconds))

val configuredApi: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  for {
    uri    <- Resource.eval(RedisURI.make[IO]("redis://localhost"))
    opts   <- Resource.eval(mkOpts)
    client <- RedisClient[IO].custom(uri, opts, config)
    redis  <- Redis[IO].fromClient(client, stringCodec)
  } yield redis

A RedisURI can also be created using the redis string interpolator:

import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.syntax.literals._
val uri = redis"redis://localhost"

val secure = redis"rediss://localhost"

val withPassword = redis"redis://:password@localhost"

val withDatabase = redis"redis://localhost/1"

val sentinel = redis"redis-sentinel://localhost:26379,localhost:26380?sentinelMasterId=m"

val `redis+ssl` = redis"redis+ssl://localhost"

val `redis+tls` = redis"redis+tls://localhost"

val `redis-socket` = redis"redis-socket:///tmp/redis.sock"

Single node connection

For those who only need a simple API access to Redis commands, there are a few ways to acquire a connection:

val simpleApi: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  Redis[IO].simple("redis://localhost", RedisCodec.Ascii)

A simple connection with custom client options:

val simpleOptsApi: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  Resource.eval(IO(ClientOptions.create())).flatMap { opts =>
    Redis[IO].withOptions("redis://localhost", opts, RedisCodec.Ascii)

Or the most common one:

val utf8Api: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =


In order to create a client and/or connection you must provide a Log instance that the library uses for internal logging. You could either use log4cats (recommended), one of the simpler instances such as NoOp and Stdout, or roll your own. redis4cats can derive an instance of Log[F] if there is an instance of Logger[F] in scope, just need to add the extra dependency redis4cats-log4cats and import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.log4cats._.

Take a look at the examples to find out more.

Disable logging

If you don’t need logging at all, use the following import wherever a Log instance is required:

// Available for any `Applicative[F]`
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log.NoOp._

If you need simple logging to STDOUT for quick debugging, you can use the following one:

// Available for any `Sync[F]`
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effect.Log.Stdout._

Standalone, Sentinel or Cluster

You can connect in any of these modes by either using JRedisURI.create or JRedisURI.Builder. More information here.

Cluster connection

The process looks mostly like standalone connection but with small differences.

val clusterApi: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  for {
    uri    <- Resource.eval(RedisURI.make[IO]("redis://localhost:30001"))
    client <- RedisClusterClient[IO](uri)
    redis  <- Redis[IO].fromClusterClient(client, stringCodec)()
  } yield redis

You can also make it simple if you don’t need to re-use the client.

val clusterUtf8Api: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =

Master / Replica connection

The process is a bit different. First of all, you don’t need to create a RedisClient, it’ll be created for you. All you need is RedisMasterReplica that exposes two different constructors as Resource.

def make[K, V](
    codec: RedisCodec[K, V],
    uris: RedisURI*
)(readFrom: Option[JReadFrom] = None): Resource[F, RedisMasterReplica[K, V]]

And a way to customize the underlying client options.

def withOptions[K, V](
    codec: RedisCodec[K, V],
    opts: ClientOptions,
    uris: RedisURI*
)(readFrom: Option[JReadFrom] = None): Resource[F, RedisMasterReplica[K, V]]

Example using the Strings API

import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.Redis
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.algebra.StringCommands
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.connection.RedisMasterReplica

val commands: Resource[IO, StringCommands[IO, String, String]] =
  for {
    uri <- Resource.eval(RedisURI.make[IO]("redis://localhost"))
    conn <- RedisMasterReplica[IO].make(RedisCodec.Utf8, uri)(ReadFrom.UpstreamPreferred.some)
    redis <- Redis[IO].masterReplica(conn)
  } yield redis

commands.use { redis =>
  redis.set("foo", "123") >> IO.unit  // do something

Find more information here.