Purely functional interface for the Geo API.

Geo Commands usage

Once you have acquired a connection you can start using it:

import cats.effect.IO
import dev.profunktor.redis4cats.effects._
import io.lettuce.core.GeoArgs

val testKey = "location"

def putStrLn(str: String): IO[Unit] = IO(println(str))

val _BuenosAires  = GeoLocation(Longitude(-58.3816), Latitude(-34.6037), "Buenos Aires")
val _RioDeJaneiro = GeoLocation(Longitude(-43.1729), Latitude(-22.9068), "Rio de Janeiro")
val _Montevideo   = GeoLocation(Longitude(-56.164532), Latitude(-34.901112), "Montevideo")
val _Tokyo        = GeoLocation(Longitude(139.6917), Latitude(35.6895), "Tokyo")

commandsApi.use { redis => // GeoCommands[IO, String, String]
  for {
    _ <- redis.geoAdd(testKey, _BuenosAires)
    _ <- redis.geoAdd(testKey, _RioDeJaneiro)
    _ <- redis.geoAdd(testKey, _Montevideo)
    _ <- redis.geoAdd(testKey, _Tokyo)
    x <- redis.geoDist(testKey, _BuenosAires.value, _Tokyo.value,
    _ <- putStrLn(s"Distance from ${_BuenosAires.value} to Tokyo: $x km")
    y <- redis.geoPos(testKey, _RioDeJaneiro.value)
    _ <- putStrLn(s"Geo Pos of ${_RioDeJaneiro.value}: ${y.headOption}")
    z <- redis.geoRadius(testKey, GeoRadius(_Montevideo.lon,, Distance(10000.0)),
    _ <- putStrLn(s"Geo Radius in 1000 km: $z")
  } yield ()