



package redis4cats

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package algebra
  2. package codecs
  3. package connection
  4. package effect
  5. package pubsub
  6. package streams
  7. package syntax
  8. package tx

Type Members

  1. trait RedisCommands[F[_], K, V] extends StringCommands[F, K, V] with HashCommands[F, K, V] with SetCommands[F, K, V] with SortedSetCommands[F, K, V] with ListCommands[F, K, V] with GeoCommands[F, K, V] with ConnectionCommands[F, K] with ServerCommands[F, K] with TransactionalCommands[F, K] with PipelineCommands[F] with ScriptCommands[F, K, V] with KeyCommands[F, K] with HyperLogLogCommands[F, K, V] with BitCommands[F, K, V]
  2. trait RestartOnTimeout extends AnyRef

    Configures restarting operations in case they time out.

    Configures restarting operations in case they time out.

    This is useful because Lettuce (the underlying Java client) does time out some operations if they do not send any data, like reading from a stream.

Value Members

  1. object JavaConversions extends AsJavaExtensions with AsScalaExtensions
  2. object Redis
  3. object RedisCommands
  4. object RestartOnTimeout
  5. object StreamsInstances
  6. object config
  7. object data
  8. object effects
  9. object log4cats
